SocketXP solutions for healthcare industry

Remotely manage, access and update your smart medical devices without compromising security.

More Information
Healthcare industry is going through a digital revolution. With the help of smart and innovative medical equipments, healthcare industry has significantly extended the human life span. The ability to constantly monitor and remotely control smart medical equipments and devices is crucial. Medical devices often need to function 24/7, and there is not always a quick way to physically reach them in the event of an issue.

Device Monitoring

Device monitoring monitors your devices 24x7 and generates alerts in the event of errors

Remote Control

Remote SSH into your device to debug and fix any software or configuration issues.

Device Status

View the status of your entire device fleet from a single dashboard.

Update Software

Push software updates and bug fixes with a single click to a fleet of devices.

Industry Case Study

iot device management software

ABC Medi Sys manufactures and sells smart medical devices which constantly monitor critical parameters of a patient, such as temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat.

However, the software application that has been shipped with those devices has a fault that skips generating alarms in a timely manner when the patient’s critical parameters suddenly change. The consequences of this software bug are potentially devastating to its customers - it could potentially risk the life of the patient under care and damage the reputation of the manufacturer.

Healthcare systems and equipment are expected to function 24x7. Constantly monitoring the functioning of these smart devices is essential. A single unfortunate incident could potentially damage the name and brand value. In this case, the ability to remotely update the software for the entire fleet of smart devices is crucial for ABC Medi Sys – and this is where SocketXP IoT Solution comes in.

SocketXP provides multiple tools under one cloud platform that are crucial for the day-to-day management of smart healthcare products. For instance, SocketXP remote control tool provides the option to remotely SSH login to the IoT device, debug the software, or alter its configuration settings. SocketXP also continuously monitors the functioning of these devices and generates alarms when errors occur. SocketXP OTA update tool pushes bug fixes or software updates to a fleet of devices with a single-click.

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